Light tonez known to some as the language of light offers vibrational frequencies as a unique method of harmonization. It is an attuning that alchemizes and brings into divine alignment the distorted self with one's original DNA blueprint. It will support the release of karmic patterns & all forms of distortions through genetic de-coding.
The frequencies assist the true Self to exist in divine union, sovereign empowerment, and conscious awareness. There is so much to this modality that cannot be described in language and only felt by the soul's resonance. It would be a disservice to try to qualify its form. The magik lies in a purification of sorts. It is an opening to and an activation of the divine remembrance that is organic & true to the original self.
These sessions are all guided by the essence of love & Spirit!

Illumina Tonez "AZURE" Package
~3 Illumina Tonez sessions w/ Follow up Intuitive Guidance & Recording (Worth $222 each session)- These sessions are powerful energetic clearings & attunements.
~Kundalini Meditation- 40 day practice specific to your identified need.
*Package sessions are held on a bi-weekly basis to offer time to integrate and reach the 40 day mark.
Energy Exchange $888

The womb is the beginning of all that is. It is the caldron that creates life. The trauma, the pain, the sorrow that our planet stores collectively can be healed through the clearing of each individual womb. Healing and activation awaits as your journey into the magiKal realm that is your womb. In this sacred pilgrimage, I offer a myriad of tools uniquely guided to your specific needs.
90 minutes session.

Remembrance is meant for all sentient beings. As incarnates here on EarthA, everyone indeed is made of the stars as well as of the earth. Yet, there are those who are here as sacred guests and serve as luminaries. These multi – dimensional individuals are often coined as star seeds or crystal beings who originate from distant solar systems, planets, and galaxies. They are highly evolved souls who carry a plethora of innate wisdom, special abilities and higher dimensional frequencies all encoded in their DNA. More often than not, these beings are asleep to their ancient knowing yet feel foreign to the way of this world. They are indeed often misunderstood and are in need of unique support. They are here on sacred mission and are encoded with specific keys meant to be unlocked in service to the whole. These sessions work on a very subtle energetic level; they are intended as activators for those who are being called to explore and remember their cosmic origins. Know that in a multi-dimensional perspective it is not about what you know; it is instead about who you truly ARE.

This package is for the avid seeker, the advanced soul, the one who intuitively knows that there is so much more. It is designed with the intention to support you while exploring ascension and the dismantling of illusion. As an ancient being, I know too well the trials of the spiritual journey. As euphoric as remembrance can be, it is in truth met with strenuous and rather complex initiations. My heart felt intention is to offer guidance that empowers you to trust as you experience the rather startling luminosity of your inner wealth.
~3 Illumina Tonez sessions w/ Follow up Intuitive Guidance & Recording (Worth $188 each session)- These sessions are powerful energetic clearings & attunements.
~Kundalini Meditation- 40 day practice specific to your identified need.
*Package sessions are held on a bi-weekly basis to offer time to integrate and reach the 40 day mark.
In between sessions, you will have counseling access to me via text and e-mail while navigating your sacred experiences. You will be provided with a specific Kundalini yoga meditation to support your process, oracle/pendulum readings will be provided as well as a myriad of additional materials and information based on your individual needs.
*Flexible Payment Plan- Customized payment plan based on client needs. Payment plans are assessed with a small financing charge to mitigate risk to Luminous Magik.
*Pay In full using a credit card, PayPal, or Paypal credit. Paypal Credit is a pay in full option that allows you to pay in full and have 6 months to pay PayPal without any interest.

The session arrived at a perfect time when my body had been feeling unbalanced. I felt a shift almost immediately as Ishtar guided me through a visualization to a place that was foreign but still felt like home. At one point, my body was warming up as I felt connected to the fire element. This element I feel connected to the most. The vibrations were mostly felt through my heart chakra, I remember feeling gentle tugs, and then my root and crown chakra. I felt deeply emotional to the point of tears when the energy moved through my womb area.
Days later and I feel some lightness because I feel like I have tapped into a part of myself that I felt I have forgotten for such a long time. I feel so grateful to Ishtar for the way she held space during this session.

My Illumina Tonez session was remarkable and unique experience. During the session, I was able to reconnect and join my inner child in releasing emotions that have caused much pain and suffering. As my inner child released those emotions, I could feel a sense of lightness. As the days continue to progress, I have been feeling blissful and emotionally grounded. I have noticed a significant decrease in levels of anxiety, a greater sense of acceptance, and awareness. A Illumina Tonez session is something that has to be experienced as words do no justice in truly capturing it. With that being said, if you have opportunity to have a Illumina Tonez session, I highly recommend it. I feel it puts us a step closer to our organic state of love and joy. E.F.
Before my light language session with Ishtar I was a bit nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve heard of it before but wasn’t too familiar with it. Few minutes into the session I felt very calm and dozed off a few times. After the session I felt as if I was floating the entire day it was like I had awaken from a long nap. Overall I felt more empowered and confident which is something that I lack. I had attended an event few days after and had the courage to get up and speak in front of a large crowd. I couldn’t believe it. I was instantly able to fight through the fear and speak my truth. I highly recommend having a session with her. R.P.
"The session indeed resonated with me. The tones were so soft, so loving, so pure which supported me feeling secure during the far-reaching, multi-
dimensional session. My body was vibrating during the session. As well, I learned valuable information for my life, which supports my life journey to manifest into the world."

For some time now I have been in my own introverted space. Ruminating within my own recycled energy. Not good not bad, just quiet inaction. With anything going on for too long, I was feeling stagnant. My extroverted energy was drawn to my throat chakra. I wondered if a meditaion for my vocal chords was the first step outside, towards awakening my currently quiet spirit. In sharing these musing with my sweet friend Ishtar, she invited me to an intro session of Tonez with her. As a veteran of learning from her, there was no hesitation. The first step for peaking outside of my self contained shell was set. I was excited for our session for a few reasons… I missed my friend and would get to play in her light, it was something new and different that I had never tried before, and it was me putting my hand out – reaching for spirit – hoping to find a little of myself.
With an open heart and calm mind I entrusted myself to Ishtar. There was an instant connection as some mental images appeared in my minds eyes before Ishtar said them. The foliage, the body of consciousness being a lumiscent natural pool in the middle of the temple. These came to me as she guided me. I anchored deeper into what felt like an old language I had heard before and had forgotten where. Through vibrations of the light tonez it was now being brough back to me. My crown chakra felt a soft opening, welcoming the light. My womb… it felt alive and virbant. I was aroused and felt my hands carress me, as if not mine own yet fully mine. I left my body all while being grounded in it. From the luminescent pool came a purple dragon, who whispered along with Ishtar’s vocals.
I was in a trance for days after. Hearing the calls, reminding me of the journey, reminding me of remembrance. I felt energized for days, with a newfound purpose. I didn’t know what that purpose was exactly, but I didn’t need the details. It was bigger than me. A spark had been lit by the light tones transmutted by Ishtar. I am still, this many days after the experience, recalling the warmth.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful practice. Thank you for being you. For always being you.
I look forward to the opportunity of journeying on the wings of your voice and once again being transported to a spirit home I once dwelled in.
In light, dark and all in between,

“It is from an activated, open heart I am sharing the gift I received from the light-language session I had with Ishtar. Her power, wisdom, grace, clarity and wit are unmatched by anything I have ever experienced. The activations and clearings that took place in the space she so beautifully held was both insightful, relevant and frequency elevating. A powerful, yet gentle adventure into multidimensionality. I bow to her.”

Illumina, light language was such a unique and beautiful activation that is more of a feeling to be experienced, which words cannot describe. Stepping into the unknown with an open heart can be frazzling, but Ishtar creates and embodies such warmth, peace and love that it was a safe space to surrender and receive. I experienced a truly vibrational chakra activation-multiple revelations of my truth and needs like never before. Everything received resonated with me and confirmed my soul’s needs. Most importantly, her guidance and recommendations have given me the support and tools for moving forward. I recommend these sessions and any other opportunities for guided healing from this Goddess. She is truly godsend and has such a pure heart.

I have previously taken Ishtar’s online Illumina Tonez session, and there’s so much I could say about that, but today I’d like to focus on her advanced in-person session.
The best way I can explain the session is that it's a whole vibe! A complete package from the moment I booked the session. It was as if the energies started opening and preparing me for the experience. I was told the colors to wear and how to adorn myself. Before entering the room, I was energetically cleansed so that I could be opened and ready to receive what was meant for me. When I walked into the room all my senses were activated! I drank water to hydrate my body and my hands and feet were cleansed with water infused with essential oils. The room was beautifully decorated, and the scents and music helped me feel at ease.
It's a little complex to put into words what the actual tonez session is like because everyone is different and so everyone’s session will be different but what I could share is that Ishtar uses different modalities to help you release old patterns/energies and deliver the messages or gifts spirit wants to share. What you will hear are different sounds and language along with chanting and as the name suggests…different tonez.
It has now been a few days after the session, and I feel renewed and refreshed. It feels as though I went through an initiation to help me step into the next phase of my life.
I am so grateful. If you're thinking about booking- in short. Do it!

Ishtar is an incredibly powerful and deeply connected Psychic Channel and Healer. With her masterful guidance, loving leadership, and luminous energy, she gently and lovingly leads you on a psychic healing journey so profound that it has earned the ranking of the single most powerful energetic healing session of my life. Through the light language she channels came extremely accurate messages for my soul's highest good, activations, codes, details of past lives, connections to my Guides, and the immediate release of deep-rooted blocks throughout my chakra system from past lives and present. All of this occurs while you are held comfortably in a light-filled container that she co-creates with you and Spirit where you are protected, supported and showered with healing love. ILLUMINA toNez by Ishtar has helped me release a tremendous amount of fear, pain, trauma, and has provided me with spiritual growth and expansion that is still unfolding. My trust in her is infinite and I am so grateful and blessed to have received the magikal gifts she so brilliantly delivers. This session is a very unique experience with the divine where your soul takes the courageous steps to release what no longer serves and replace it with forgiveness, healing, and the space to create something loving and brand new.