"The session arrived at a perfect time when my body had been feeling unbalanced. I felt a shift almost immediately as Ishtar guided me through a visualization to a place that was foreign but still felt like home. At one point, my body was warming up as I felt connected to the fire element. This element I feel connected to the most. The vibrations were mostly felt through my heart chakra, I remember feeling gentle tugs, and then my root and crown chakra. I felt deeply emotional to the point of tears when the energy moved through my womb area.
Days later and I feel some lightness because I feel like I have tapped into a part of myself that I felt I have forgotten for such a long time. I feel so grateful to Ishtar for the way she held space during this session."
- C.R.
"My Illumina Tonez session was a remarkable and unique experience. During the session, I was able to reconnect and join my inner child in releasing emotions that have caused much pain and suffering. As my inner child released those emotions, I could feel a sense of lightness. As the days continue to progress, I have been feeling blissful and emotionally grounded. I have noticed a significant decrease in levels of anxiety, a greater sense of acceptance, and awareness. A Illumina Tonez session is something that has to be experienced as words do no justice in truly capturing it. With that being said, if you have the opportunity to have a Illumina Tonez session, I highly recommend it. I feel it puts us a step closer to our organic state of love and joy."
- E.F.
"Before my light language session with Ishtar I was a bit nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve heard of it before but wasn’t too familiar with it. Few minutes into the session I felt very calm and dozed off a few times. After the session I felt as if I was floating the entire day. It was like I had awakened from a long nap. Overall I felt more empowered and confident which is something that I lack. I had attended an event a few days after and had the courage to get up and speak in front of a large crowd. I couldn’t believe it. I was instantly able to fight through the fear and speak my truth. I highly recommend having a session with her."
- R.P.
"The session indeed resonated with me. The tones were so soft, so loving, so pure which supported me feeling secure during the far-reaching, multi-dimensional session. My body was vibrating during the session. As well, I learned valuable information for my life, which supports my life journey to manifest into the world."
- V.R.
"With an open heart and calm mind I entrusted myself to Ishtar. There was an instant connection as some mental images appeared in my mind's eyes before Ishtar said them. The foliage, the body of consciousness being a luminescent natural pool in the middle of the temple. These came to me as she guided me. I anchored deeper into what felt like an old language I had heard before and had forgotten where. Through vibrations of the light tonez it was now being brought back to me. My crown chakra felt a soft opening, welcoming the light. My womb… it felt alive and vibrant. I was aroused and felt my hands caress me, as if not mine yet fully mine. I left my body all while being grounded in it. From the luminescent pool came a purple dragon, who whispered along with Ishtar’s vocals.
I was in a trance for days after. Hearing the calls, reminding me of the journey, reminding me of remembrance. I felt energized for days, with a newfound purpose. I didn’t know what that purpose was exactly, but I didn’t need the details. It was bigger than me. A spark had been lit by the light tones transmitted by Ishtar. I am still, this many days after the experience, recalling the warmth."
- N.D.
“It is from an activated, open heart I am sharing the gift I received from the light-language session I had with Ishtar. Her power, wisdom, grace, clarity and wit are unmatched by anything I have ever experienced. The activations and clearings that took place in the space she so beautifully held was both insightful, relevant and frequency elevating. A powerful, yet gentle adventure into multidimensionality. I bow to her.”
- M.L.
"Illumina, light language was such a unique and beautiful activation that is more of a feeling to be experienced, which words cannot describe. Stepping into the unknown with an open heart can be frazzling, but Ishtar creates and embodies such warmth, peace and love that it was a safe space to surrender and receive. I experienced a truly vibrational chakra activation-multiple revelations of my truth and needs like never before. Everything I received resonated with me and confirmed my soul’s needs. Most importantly, her guidance and recommendations have given me the support and tools for moving forward. I recommend these sessions and any other opportunities for guided healing from this Goddess. She is truly godsend and has such a pure heart."
- L.C.
"My experience with Ishtar was amazing! I released a lot during the session. At some point I was crying so much. The wonderful sounds and kind words she said really resonated with me. I can hardly put the full experience into words but let’s just say I felt a giant weight lifted off my shoulders when the session was over. She told me about blockages that I was experiencing. She told me about how she saw angels and wings. At some point I started seeing colors while my eyes were closed. I felt like my spirit was vibrating and embracing me. It felt like I was receiving a reiki session through sounds and words. I feel as though days later I’m still feeling the positive effects from the session. I am so thankful that I received this session and even more thankful that the universe somehow put Ishtar in my path. I’d like to thank her for everything she did for me and for being so kind."
- J.R.
"I am so grateful for Luminous Magik (Ishtar) as she supported me with the intuitive guidance and clarity I needed in order to understand my worth and speak my truth. Her Ascension package reignited my desire to reconnect with my remembrance. She is a radiant light worker who provides a safe and supportive space in order for one to establish fundamental practices that will prepare the mind, body and soul for ascension. Her background in psychotherapy and spirituality is evident in her practice and the tools that she provides. Not only did her grace and knowledge inspire me to break barriers and view things from eye opening perspectives, but she also encouraged me to feel empowered in my journey of healing! I am honored to have worked with Ishtar and look forward to future opportunities to dive deeper into embodying my highest self. "
"I'm so grateful to have come across Ishtar Gonzalez, who is truly a magical being with powerful energetic abilities! My first session was a womb healing, and I connected with myself in a way I didn’t know possible, really feeling the needs and wants of my most sacred creative force, and cutting any chords from previous lineages that no longer served my highest good. After the session, she provided me with an incredibly impressive sum up, as well as resources to continue on my path to wellness! I look forward to future sessions and infinitely recommend her!"
"Ishtar is an Earth Angel incarnate! Her unconditional love and compassion are felt just by being in her presence, her frequency is like being in a warm soothing bath filled with rose petals and exotic aromas. Ishtar has an uncanny ability to intuit your world. Her empathic approach is comforting and soothing medicine for the soul. She will gently guide you back to yourself so that you can see how beautiful you are. She sees through the lenses of an Angel, with purity, inner-standing, and truly eternal heartfelt compassion."
"Ishtar gets right to the core of where to nurture the soul and spirit in the areas in which awareness may be lacking, activating a higher knowledge within the client or recipient so they too may move to a higher place of awareness and knowledge. She is an intricate part of the ascension process for anyone looking for guidance from someone who knows what they are doing as a guide."
"I started studying Kundalini yoga with Ishtar 4 years ago. The guidance and wisdoms I received from her have accelerated my spiritual growth and helped me heal lifetimes of pain and trauma. Since studying with Ishtar I have evolved into my own healer and am now a yoga and mindfulness instructor. I also own a small business where I create platforms for healers like Ishtar to share her wisdoms and magic with seekers. When working with Ishtar you must be ready to show up for yourself. Her guidance will provide you with many gems and if you are as fortunate as me, with consistency and dedication you will flow into your awakening."
"Ishtar is truly the most gracious and luminous soul that continually lights my path, and I have been so grateful for her guidance, insight and wisdom over many years. She witnesses you with deep understanding, compassion, & love. She really is a divine light and guide to anyone who she supports. Thank you Ishtar I am so grateful for you"
"Ishtar is amazing from the moment she hugs you feel that she genuinely care about you and what you going through. I came to her for healing and she made me feel at ease to dig deeper than surface area, she is is helping me heal from past experiences that I didn't even know where playing a part of what I am currently living today, with her guidance and In divine time I am confident that I will manifest my intentions.
If you are looking for healing, for guidance or you simply just want to learn more about spirituality, Ishtar will provide you with all the tools you need."
"Choosing to work with Ishtar on my healing and spiritual journey has been life changing on a multi-dimensional level as a student and a teacher. She has provided just the right amount of support but also the perfect amount of space in order for me to grow on my path and explore the inner wisdom that was already within me. Ishtar has served as an activator to my connection with the cosmic realms. I feel confident in my work, my art and my purpose in ways I never have before. Allowing myself to be held and guided to push past my comfort zone all while feeling safe has been a life transforming experience. Infinite gratitude."
"My time with Ishtar has been nothing short of magical. I met her at a time in my life where I was seeking healing and grounding. The Kundalini sessions I've had with her have been detrimental to my uprooting of old wounds and energies that no longer were serving me. Her softness and understanding of her craft has helped me on my spiritual journey in ways that can't be honored just in this brief paragraph. Her vulnerability and transparency have always made me feel comforted and never judged in times where I've felt judged by others in this 3D realm. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude towards her and will always hold her words and spiritual navigation tools close to my heart, and in my personal arsenal."
"My session with Ishtar was truly magical and enlightening. She is such a knowledgeable and gentle soul and I immediately felt comfortable and connected. During my session she definitely confirmed some things I already thought about myself and that was sooooo amazing and enlightening to hear. She encouraged me to continue to pursue kundalini yoga and to further connect and reintroduce myself to my womb and my higher calling. I love the fact that even though the sessions are typically timed, she just goes with the flow and what feels right. It makes the experience more organic and it shows that Ishtar truly cared about my wellbeing and healing and not just money. I cannot wait to see her again! If your are procrastinating, don’t. She is the best there is!"
"The best way to explain my Kundalini experience with Ishtar was….magical! I was reaching the final stages of my pregnancy and felt highly stressed and anxious when I reconnected with Ishtar. I met with her one night and we spoke about what I needed and so we set up weekly sessions. Each time we met she had a detailed session prepared that was tailored for me. The stretch exercises were “pregnant friendly” and the meditations are what I feel really helped me work through my stress and prepared me for labor! I felt a sense of relief with a huge weight off my shoulder each time we completed our sessions and couldn’t wait until the following week. All I could say is Ishtar is a beautiful person inside out and the energy she puts into her work is pure and sincere. Thank you for everything you helped me work through. I am forever grateful."