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DoUBle Helix, DraGonz’

& So I JOURNEYED To a Deep CaVe’ & ConnECteD To ThE WhOlE oF Me.

Because of my Priestess of the Rose curriculum, I journeyed with beloved Ameya’s Dragon transmission; which indeed was the same day that I came across the 64 Dakini’s oracle of the Phoenix that I then posted on my Instagram feed, I later realized that there was a grand fire trine unfolding in the cosmos and much later came across the news that this was also the same night of the Notre Dame fire. I had yet to piece it all together but I intuitively knew that it was the right time...

I created sacred space for the transmission at night & the first thing that I caught in my mind’s eye was a beautiful dragon I already knew as Vladimir. He was asleep and there was someone standing above him with a dark hood and beaming blue light in the heart space. (I now understand that this was me cloaked as I have been told I carry the blue star within me that is the seed of my cosmic home). He soon awoke and we flew into the sky. I was taken by him to Lemuria. Vladimir is a very sweet and loving dragon; his essence is pristine and full of much compassion. He has come to me in the past but I knew not of his significance to my personal journey. All I knew was his name and that he is platinum white silver like color and wears a stone of Lapis Lazuli around his neck that matches the color of his eyes. He looked exactly this way the first time I had visions of him. When I saw him again I wondered if he truly was my dragon as I had failed to make that intimate connection before. I saw Lemuria in the majesty of her green with a beautiful tall mountain peak that glowed, the land surrounded by an expansive body of water; I flew around with Vladimir in the sky above and felt my body full of sparkles and tingly sensations until I drifted into sleep.

The following morning, I awoke grateful for the experience but I somehow uncomfortable, feeling as if I had not done it quite “right.” I was restless about it & couldn’t help but question; what exactly I did not know but either way it led me to want to journey again and so I did: this time under the rays of the sun.

This journey was the one that made me come to tears & helped me bridge what I thought was not making sense. In this journey, I was taken yet again to the very same landscape, I felt Vladimir but I could not quite see him. Instead, of coming from the air as I had the night before I was on foot in the direction of the beautiful mountain I had seen when I came across a cave, one that was deep and completely covered by crystals that looked like Vivianite, a deep crystal green that resembles the color of chlorophyll and algae … the cave itself was made of this crystal completely it sparkled of it and as I journeyed deeper I came across a beautiful large black dragon who too was sleeping. She opened her eyes as I walk towards her and her eyes matched the color of the cave. She was so powerful in her presence and yet I realized that there were chains around her beautiful paws. It was bizarre because I knew she could have released herself from them with her strength. I was so sad and then it dawned on me. I was the one who placed them there- I tearfully removed them liberating her from that part of myself that feared such power. I hugged her, we saluted each other at the brow – she shared her name, Shekinah and then flew me into the sky- in my vision I started experiencing her shape shift back and forth with Vladimir, I saw them both at one point with the same body and two different heads, until finally I saw them each in their own majesty.

Shekinah and Vladimir both FREE!

I awoke and immediately my rational mind began to do her thing & I wondered could it be possible that I journey with two dragons? Could this be “allowed” or even real? (Yes, this doubt that is such a relentless habit knowing all too well there is no exact template, lol) When I came back home that evening, I noticed the double headed serpent I had just days before placed on my altar. One that my daughter who I have named Ixchel Inanna, just three days prior had gone into the room and gifted me, it was a necklace she used to play with and said, “here mommy you should wear this now, ” instead I chose to lay it on my Pink rose altar. When I made this connection, I smiled as I noticed my tattoo and recalled how drawn I was to get my double headed serpentine on my forearm, right before a deep, deep dive into the underworld. It made so much sense once I released the habitual blockages, I who was given the name of Ishtar at birth, I who is a sun & moon in Gemini and rising opposite of Sagittarius in this current avatar, I who have always naturally embodied transcendence and yet lived the duality of this realm to its most extremes somehow still always embodying LOVE. I, who have always repressed her fire and darkness in fear of being all too powerful… drenched in guilt and shame from the unknown, I who has been well aware of this sacred rebirth… one that I am still with all of you cracking open…I who too often has preferred to hide as previously described. ?!!!

Glory is to the goddess and the god- to the Creator and the Creatrix- to the re- birth of the golden age- to the true divine feminine and divine masculine!!!.... indeed, it does makes sense & there is so so much more to this than one could ever express (like the cracking & exploding of hard boiled eggs- which too was a fire synchronicity amongst the Rose Priestesses !) There are the confines of our logical language but It is all for us being translated …. Doubt could show her usual face but truth could never be silenced!!!

& So It iS thAt It is not thiS tIme anY loNger. The DEpThs of OUr EarTh HearT aRE SpeakIng LoudlY! The Fire iN ouR belLIes Is BurNIng ThrouGh ThE Eons Of SePaRation. WE aRe Not AloNe. ThERe is so much MagiK unFoldINg WithIN & aRound US. Be BOld & RelEase The shACkLes. ShamE, Guilt, DouBt No LonGer. ThY TRuE HeaRt is PURiTy, TruST iTs COuNSel! ThERe Is INDeeD No SEpaRaTion' LOVE is THe UlTimaTE TRuTH.

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